Terms of service

*All English translations are provided for reference purposes only. In any event, the Japanese version shall prevail.


1. Terms and Conditions

1-1 This agreement specifies the terms and conditions for use of the services provided through the Yamaha Motor Online Shop (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) as offered by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” “we”, “us”, and “our”). Customers must consent to and abide by this agreement when using the Services.

1-2 Among the Services, certain services are accompanied by additional guidelines specific to their use, so please refer to them individually. Each individual service’s guidelines form parts of this agreement, and this agreement includes items from all of them.


Yamaha Motor Online Shop website(s)

Brand Store: https://globalbrandshop.yamaha-motor.co.jp/en


2. Service Users

The Services may only be used by users who have consented to this agreement, and have either completed registration of a Yamaha Motor ID and password according to the procedures specified by the Company or have chosen to not register their information (both hereinafter referred to as the “Customer” or “Customers”).


3. Establishment of This Agreement

3-1 A contract of sale shall be deemed completed when Customers make a purchase request to us and we send an e-mail or other appropriate form of notification in response that informs them of the approval of an order.

3-2 Customers who are minors (under 20 years of age) must have the consent of a legal representative, e.g., a parent or legal guardian, to place an order.

3-3 Ownership of the relevant products shall transfer from the Company to the Customer upon delivery and receipt of the product(s)/item(s) at the specified delivery address.  


4. Order Cancellation by the Customer

After an order is placed by the Customer and confirmed, the Customer cannot cancel the order due to their own circumstances.


5. Cancellation by the Company

The Company reserves the right to cancel orders, cease shipment or take other action deemed to be necessary without informing the Customer in advance if any of the following criteria are met, even after a contract of sale has been completed.

  1. If the Customer engages in actions that breach the terms of this agreement
  2. If we determine that, upon delivery, the Customer did not wish to receive the items ordered
  3. If the Company deems that it would be difficult to continue dealing with the Customer based on this agreement in a reasonable manner


6. Payment Methods, Shipping Methods, Etc.

The specifics for methods of payment, shipping, etc., for the Services are dependent on the procedures that we establish for them.


7. Item Exchanges, Etc.

We will handle all exchanges of purchased products and the like in accordance with the Return and Exchange Policy. 


8. Prohibited Actions

Customers using the Services must not engage in the following acts:

  1. Actions going against laws, ordinances or standards of public decency
  2. Actions infringing on intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks, patents, etc.)
  3. Using another person’s name, e-mail address or other information when using the Service
  4. Taking any action that alters our website(s)
  5. Any unauthorized access to our website(s) or other system(s)
  6. Blocking the operation of the Service, defaming or otherwise damaging the credibility of the Company or taking actions that may eventually lead to these outcomes
  7. Other actions that the Company deems to be inappropriate


9. Compensation for Damages

9-1 The Company shall be held liable in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations for any damages caused to Customers due to intentional actions and/or gross negligence.

9-2 The Company shall be held liable for any damages caused to Customers for reasons attributable to us (excluding intentional actions and/or gross negligence) and only in cases in which said damages to the Customer are real, ordinary and direct.

9-3 The Company shall not be held liable in any way in cases where the Customer cannot use some or all of the Services or otherwise sustains damages due to reasons attributable to a third party.


10. Intellectual Property Rights

Any and all of the rights pertaining to materials published on our website(s) (words, photographs, illustrations, etc.) belong exclusively to the Company or the materials are otherwise being used by us under license. These rights include but are not limited to copyrights, portrait/publicity rights, trademarks, design rights and patents, and are protected under Japanese law and international treaties. The Company strictly forbids without exception the redistribution (including but not limited to reprinting, modifying, uploading, posting, transmitting, distribution, licensing, selling or publishing) of any images, articles and data accompanying product information that clearly goes beyond the scope permitted by law. In addition, by providing information through our website(s), we do not grant the use of the pertinent copyrights, portrait/publicity rights, trademarks, design rights, patents or any other rights (including rights to use or licensing).


11. Handling of Personal Information

The Company will handle customers’ personal information appropriately and in accordance with the Yamaha Motor Online Shop Global Privacy Policy.


12. Contact

When we notify or contact customers via e-mail, postal mail, telephone or fax, we will do so using the e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number and/or fax number provided to us by the customer, and these means shall be considered sufficient.


13. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions

The Company reserves the right to make amendments to these Terms and Conditions without obtaining prior consent from members as long as it is for their general benefit, or as long as said amendments do not go against the agreement’s objectives and are reasonable in light of current circumstances. When amendments are made to the agreement, the Company will inform members via the internet or other appropriate means of the reasoning behind them, the revised content and when the new Terms and Conditions will become effective. Any amendments will become effective from the date the Company sets.


14. Governing Laws

This agreement is governed by Japanese law.


15. Agreement Jurisdiction

Any disputes or legal action regarding this agreement shall be handled under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Shizuoka District Court as the court of first instance.


Supplementary Provisions: This agreement is effective as of October 26, 2020.

